Originally posted by bogey:
Your mission, should you choose to accept it.. is to find those cooridinates, and bring them to me. And together we'll invade the island. Hahaha)
I accept. I'll get to work immediately.

I actually watched that Letterman, and I remember him saying that. My mom, who also loves him, had turned it on - I glanced over at it, and she practically squealed, "Johnny Depp!!!"

He was funny in saying that there's absolutely nothing to do on the island, except that his kids play in the sand. And I thought it was so cute when he said that the Jack Sparrow costume has become normal for the kids, and they think nothing of it. Aww.

My only problem in reading the story is that I'm having a hard time concentrating on the "analysis" of the character when he's "so darn good looking" in my head...to quote Willy Wonka.