2006: Bubble (I rarely go to the theatre, so havent seen many
2005: Match Point
2004: Sideways
2003: Lost in Translation
2002: Road to Perdition
2001: Mulholland Dr.
2000: Traffic
1999: American Beauty
1998: Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
1997: Boogie Nights
1996: Fargo
1995: The Usual Suspects
1994: Hoop Dreams
1993: Schindler's List
1992: Unforgiven
1991: Terminator 2: Judgement Day
1990: Goodfellas
1989: Do the Right Thing
1988: Die Hard
1987: The Dekalog
1986: Hannah and Her Sisters
1985: Back to the Future
1984: Once Upon a Time in America
1983: Scarface
1982: Blade Runner
1981: Body Heat
1980: Raging Bull
1979: Alien
1978: Deer Hunter
1977: Star Wars: A New Hope
1976: Taxi Driver
1975: Jaws
1974: Godfather Part 2
1973: The Sting
1972: The Godfather
1971: The French Connection
1970: Patton
1969: Easy Rider
1968: 2001 a Space Odyssey
1967: The Graduate
1966: The Good the Bad and the Ugly
1965: For a Few Dollars More
1964: Dr. Strangelove
1963: 8 1/2
1962: To Kill a Mockingbird
1961: The Hustler
1960: The Apartment
1959: Ben Hur
1958: Vertigo
1957: 12 Angry Men
1956: The Searchers
1955: Rififi
1954: On the Waterfront
1953: Tokyo Story
1952: High Noon
1951: Strangers on a Train
1950: Sunset Blvd.
1949: The Third Man
1948: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
1947: Miracle on 34th Street (been awhile though)
1946: Its a Wonderful Life
1945: Detour
1944: Double Indemnity
1943: Shadow of a Doubt
1942: Casablanca
1941: The Maltese Falcon
1940: Rebecca
1939: Wizard of Oz
1938: Adventures of Robin Hood
1937: Grand Illusion
1936: Swing Time
1935: Bride of Frankenstein
1934: It Happened One Night
1933: Duck Soup
1932: Number 17
1931: M
1930: All Quiet on the Western Front
1929: Blackmail
1928: Passion of Joan of Arc
1927: The General
1926: NONE
1925: Battleship Potemkin
1924, 1923: NONE
1922: Cops
1921: The Playhouse
1920-1919: NONE
1918: Broken Blossoms
1917-1916: NONE
1915: The Birth of a Nation
1914-1903: NONE
1902: A Trip to the Moon