Monopoly swaps cash for plastic

Monopoly money will be phased out in a new version of the game in a bid to keep up with the times.
Instead players will use mock Visa debit cards to keep track of how much money they are winning or losing.

An electronic machine is provided, which allows the banker to transfer money from players and record their earnings and payments.

The new updated edition of the game is being sold along with the traditional cash version.

The revamped model will also include several changes, such as an increase in property prices and new fines like paying the congestion charge, to bring it upto date.

Chris Weatherhead, brand manager at Parker games, which makes Monopoly, said: "We wanted to design a more relevant version of Monopoly to reflect modern society.

"As the popularity of plastic cards increases when paying for goods instead of using cash, we wanted to reflect that in the new Monopoly."