Originally posted by deathkiss:
I personally feel that the assassians were on a sucide mission. And if they have any common sense, they would know that they had not escape route. of course they would run and hide from the bodyguards to live as long as possible. That's human nature.
I must disagree. Surely the assassins would have figured out in advance that it would be in Michael's best interest to capture them alive so that he could learn who was behind the plot.

Which would mean that they would have to know that once captured they would certainly be tortured before being killed.

Guys that were stupid enough to take on a mission such as killing the most powerful Mafia Don in the country without thinking that they had an escapre route would never have been hired by Roth in the first place. He would have realized that these guys were too stupid to carry out the mission successfully.

"Difficult....not impossible"