Don Cardi,

You misunderstand the nature of Europe's problems with large Muslim populations, many of whom have failed to integrate into western life. The British government are showing great weakness in encouraging state-funded Muslim schools -- some of these devote half their days to reciting the Koran, learning it by rote.

The rise of Islam in Europe has major implications for, among other things, the equality and liberty of women. The suffragates and generation upon generation of women must not have fought battle upon battle for equal treatment with men only to lose now!

The British government is currently considering the integration of 'sharia' law into the British financial services regulatory system to 'accomodate' the Muslim way of life -- that is to say Muslim men who have multiple wives. Not I should stress the other way around!! The Islamic way of life is not compatible with that of a free, western, secular society where men and women are of equal status and must show each other equal respect.

I am sick of so-called conservatives sticking up for Islam; they are as guilty as the naive left.

France has a proud tradition of a secular state and of religion being kept out of the public realm. I only wish the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland could show similar bravery.

"If they had been wiseguys, I wouldn't have heard a thing"