Originally posted by Henry Hill:
Originally posted by Klydon1

London bombings July 7 2005 over 50 civillians dead
Madrid bombings March 11 2004 over 190 civillians dead

These horrendous acts were brought about by our involvement in America's illegal war in Iraq. You are feeding the monster that is Islamic extremism. Attempting to impose democracy on countries with no history of it is an act of monumental stupidity.

Wake up.
[/quote]That's the exact kind of response that Bin Laden was looking for when Al Qaeda carried out those attacks. I could hear him saying:

" Let's attack the UK and Spain, and in turn they'll blame the US and play right into our strategy."

And by what you've posted, you have played right into his hands.

Spain palyed right into his hands and pulled out after those attacks. And all it did was give Al Qaeda and Bin Laden better odds. It weakened our side a little bit and strengthened theirs a little bit.

It's almost like if you and I were good friends and a bunch of bullies attacked you. As a friend I come to your aid and stand by your side and fight those bullies along side you. But a few days later those bullies catch me alone and beat the shit out of me. Should I no longer stand by your side out of fear of getting beat up again by those bullies? Do I blame you for what those buliies did to me after I stood side by side and joined you in your fight? As good friends we stay united and we fight those bullies side by side. I don't let them beat you by allowing them to intimidate me becasue they attacked me as a result of my standing up for you. That is what they want. That is how they'll win. By dividing and then conquering.

I know that I would stand at your side, even after getting a beating or at the risk of getting another one. I wouldn't blame you for the beating that those bullies put on me because I took your side. And as long as we continued to stand side by side, those bullies would see our resolve and realize that no matter what they do, they cannot shake the common ground that we stand on and eventually we will defeat them.

So please, think about what you are saying. A bunch of cowardly bastards attacked your country and killed your citizens. And they did so because they despise the similar freedoms that we share and did so fully knowing that if we stay united as allies, then the odds of them defeating us become slim. But they also know that if they are successful in causing a division of the coalition, then their odds for defeating us will increase.

In Unity there is strength. And this is exactly why Bin Laden and his terrorists have tried and probably will continue to try and cause division amongst those who have banded together to fight against him and Al Qaeda. We must continue to stand together and show the bastards that no matter what strategy they try and no matter how much they try to divide us and cause division, we will continue to stand together and fight them.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.