Originally posted by Klydon1

I don't know of any national politicians calling the IRA freedom fighters although many, probably most, believe in a united, free Ireland (a sentiment voiced by George Washington)
Also, before you go around calling people scum, take a long hard look at the brutal legacy your country left in Ireland, India, etc.
Wake up Klydon. Try Long Island Congressman, Peter King, for starters -- until recently leading mouthpiece of the IRA in the US.

Isn't it strange how the American tune changes when you're confronted with terroism on your doorstep? In Britain we have had to live with IRA terroism for decades.

The Irish Republican Army have killed nearly 2000 people during the troubles, 700 + of whom were civilians, many Catholics. So, yes, the IRA are scum and I'll call them scum if I dam well want to. I have grown up during the 'Troubles' -- London has been under terroist threat for most of my life. NORAID are the leading IRA lobby group in the United States. They remain legal in your country despite the fact that the IRA has known links with terroist groups all over the world.

My message is simple. The USA must get its own house in order before it drags the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other civillised nations into any more of its illegal wars.

One poster commented that since Iraq, the US has not suffered another Sept 11. Care to think of your allies, particularly the British and Spanish and the attacks on their capital cities by Al Qaeda scum? Am I allowed to call Al Qaeda scum, Klydon, or will I hurt their feelings?

Tomorow marks the anniversary of the London bombings.

London bombings July 7 2005 over 50 civillians dead
Madrid bombings March 11 2004 over 190 civillians dead

These horrendous acts were brought about by our involvement in America's illegal war in Iraq. You are feeding the monster that is Islamic extremism. Attempting to impose democracy on countries with no history of it is an act of monumental stupidity.

Wake up.

"If they had been wiseguys, I wouldn't have heard a thing"