Originally posted by Henry Hill:
Many Americans, particularly Irish Americans, have been guilty of sponsoring terrorism by contributing to IRA fundraising, funding a war against the United Kingdom - who you pretend is an ally you respect.

Individual Democrat and Republican politicans alike have declared the IRA 'freedom fighters' -- they are nothing of the kind, they are the worst kind of terroist scum guilty of many hundreds of deaths in my country - the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The war on terroism did not start on Sept 11th 2001.

That's just the day America woke up.
I don't know of any national politicians calling the IRA freedom fighters although many, probably most, believe in a united, free Ireland (a sentiment voiced by George Washington)
Also, before you go around calling people scum, take a long hard look at the brutal legacy your country left in Ireland, India, etc.