Originally posted by Don Smitty:
[quote]Originally posted by reynols:
[b] its a war on power to see who can have the most and george is trying to win b4 he gets booted..he'll get his in the afterlife
What r u talking about? He is trying to protect u and the people of our country from the pigs that want to kill us all.

ds [/b][/quote]nobody from iraq ever killed an american in a terrorist act. so he is protecting me from the innocent women and kids hes mutilating daily? what does being in iraq have to do with bin ladin whos still FREE, wheres the connection? how can u liberate a country by killing the people who live there? of course we can say he's protecting the country bcuz we are here in the safety of our homes, not having bombs dropped all around us everday. american news isnt going to tell u how many ppl are being killed there bcuz the numbers are horrible n nobody here gives a shit bout those ppl bcuz there over there and we are here so we dont know whats really going on n neither would most of us care bcuz we still have OUR freedom. the war was a scam from the second they sent troops there n alwayz will be to any human being

Time You Enjoy Wasting, was not wasted - John Lennon

A man who nevers spends time with his family can never be a real man - Don Vito Corleone