Now, here is how it SHOULD read :

Yes, its true a bunch of crazed fundamentalists from Saudi Arabia flew some planes into some buildings in this country, and we have tried to do everything possible to wipe out their masters. But in truth what has happened is the libholes in Washington have used this tragedy for their own political gain. About 3,000 people died on 9/11. Today nearly that many US troops are also dead, 20,000 wounded, and up to 100,000 Iraqis are dead. Are we any safer? Well nothing has happened in our country since those attacks, despite the efforts of the libholes to render the this administration and it's military impotent in all that they have done to try and fight this war on terrorism. Are we in any more danger? Who knows? But no matter what happens the libholes will find a way to try and hold this administration accountable.

1. According to these libholes THERE IS NO WAR. Our Soldiers are fighting a battle everyday, 2500 troops have been killed, 20,000 have been wounded, but according to the libholes there really is no war. They should try telling that to the families who've lost their son's and daughters in this place where according to the libholes, there is no war.

2. THERE CAN NEVER BE A 'WAR ON TERROR' because again, the libholes continue to stick their heads in the sand and are blinded by their hatred for this President, it's administration and it's willingness to protect the people of the United States Of America. This is a tactic that has been used by the libholes from the beginning of time. So in reality terror will never be "defeated" because of the inability of the libholes to come up with any kind of an intelligent plan to support our troops. In truth who is creating the "terror?" Why are Americans cowering in their homes? Because of Bin Laden or because the libholes go against anything and everything that can help us win this war on terror. Why don't the libholes just admit that the action in Iraq is an exercise in spreading democracy and defending our own freedoms at the same time?

3. The "War" IS A POLITICAL RUSE - Well here we go again. In one breath the libholes claim that there is no war, but then in the next one, when it suits their own rhetoric, it can be called a war becasue they claim that it is a political ruse. It always gets more terrifying during election years. Because there is always the chance that the libholes will regain power in Washington, and everything that took place by our enemies in the years leading up to 2001 will stand a good chance of taking place again to lead up to another 9/11,---GOD forbid. As the libholes claim that we fail in Iraq, as the Taliban attempts to re take Adfghanistan, as our own Supreme Court denounces the human rights abuses at Gitmo, who do the Libholes blame? The Bush Administration while in truth it is themselves who have empowered the Taliban, the terrorists and the enemy to try and regain some power because the libholes have basically taken the side of the enemy in what they claim is in the name of democracy! :rolleyes:

Today I declare more support in the "War on Terror." I am not "terrified" while having a President and a republican controlled government that is willing to do whatever is necessary to protect me, my family, the citizens of the United States and anyone else who stands for democracy and freedom. That is I am not terrified of Muslim nut cases, any more than I am terrified of the libholes who have begun to lean more and more on the side of the enemy than in support of their own country and it's military.

This is how the original post should have read.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.