Yes, its true a bunch of crazed fundamentalists from Saudi Arabia flew some planes into some buildings in this country, and we should have done everything possible to wipe out their masters (instead of letting them go at Tora Bora). In truth what has happened is the regime in Washington has used this tragedy to create a means by which liberty is being taken from us. About 3,000 people died on 9/11. Today nearly that many US troops are also dead, 20,000 wounded, and up to 100,000 Iraqis are dead. Are we any safer? Are we in any more danger? Who knows? The regime is not held accountable.

1. THERE IS NO WAR. Congress has not declared "War" the president has. The action in Afghanistan is a UN action and the action in Iraq is an illegal occupation of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. If there is to be a war let Congress declare it.

2. THERE CAN NEVER BE A 'WAR ON TERROR' its like saying we are having a War on Guilt or a War on Poverty. Terror is a tactic that has been used from the beginning of warfare. So in reality terror will never be "defeated." In truth who is creating the "terror?" Why are Americans cowering in their homes? Because of Bin Laden or because the regime tells us to be terrified....with its orange alerts, and its threats against anyone who speaks put against their usurpation of our constitutional rights. Why doesnt the regime just admit that the action in Iraq is an exercise in nation building designed to create an oasis of freedom there to act as a counterweight to the Saudis and Iran (and to get us cheap oil)?

3. The "War" IS A POLITICAL RUSE - It always gets more terrifying during election years. As we fail in Iraq, as the Taliban re takes Adfghanistan, as our own Supreme Court denounces the human rights abuses at Gitmo, who does the regime blame? THE NEW YORK TIMES. Now they say if we get hit by some other nut its the fault of the Times. And who is screaming the loudest? Peter King Republican of New York who heads up the Homeland Secuirty Committee which STRIPPED NEW YORK of 40% of its "anti-terror" money so places like Nebraska can feel safe from "the terrorists."
Is King a bad republican or does he know the threat of "terrorism" is less than what the regime wants us to think it is.

Today I declare Independence from the "War on Terror." I am no longer "terrified." That is I am not terrified of Muslim nut cases, any more than I am terrified of losing out freedom.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."