Originally posted by Don Cardi:

Why would North Korea build a missile that just so happens to have the capability to reach a place like Alaska? Why not build one that can reach California or New York or Chicago? Why Alaska? Think about who's involved with North Korea, who just may be quietly behind them and you will begin to realize why they chose to make a missile that can reach Alaska.

Don Cardi
No brainer DC, the oilfields. Of course they cant seem to launch anything that goes more than 40 feet.

I think Bush is right in seeking a diplomatic solution, but N. Korea is not really the kind of place that responds to traditional diplomacy. We may have to wait him out and see who succeeds him.

I cannot believe that N Korea is a place where the people are too happy. They are all starving to death, and from what I read they think they are living better than S Korea and/or China because thats what they are told. Exivdently the few who have escaped cannot believe how backward that country is. Of all the trouble spots in the world I think this is the best place to simply take him out and installl some general who is acceptable to the US, Russia,Japan China and S Korea.

Alberto Gonzalez - Do you know how there going to come after you?

George Bush - They will arrange a meeting. On Putin's turf where I'll be safe, and then I'll be assassinated.

Gonzalez - I always thought it would be Hu.

Bush - No, its the smart move. Putin was always smarter. But I'm gonna wait until after the mid term elections, and then I'll meet with Kim Il Jong and all the rest of the North Korean families.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."