Originally posted by plawrence:
...how about we wait until that happens before rushing to a judgement about whether or not what they did was illegal, immoral, or whatever?
What is there to wait for? Once the decision made to print of the article, that decided all of it.

I don't think it can be considered 'illegal', as the NY Times has a right to print whatever it sees fit to print.

Whether what they did was 'immoral' or 'whatever'...is strictly a matter of opinion. There's no need for 'absolutes'. And in the opinion of many (including yours truly), it WAS immoral, reckless, disrespectful, irresponsible and dangerous (in lieu of 'whatever').

And in the matter of public opinion, they SHOULD be held accountable for their actions. None of this wussy 'waiting to see what happens'. They printed the information. It happened. Now all that results from it, including this thread, is kickback.


ps - Looks like somebody got hold of that 'very, very, very high horse' that another BB member though I was sitting on a few days ago.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.