Originally posted by dontomasso:
This whole thing is the biggest pile of political bullshit ever.

First of all the information comes from SWIFT a Belgian operation that keeps track of worldwide financial transactions. The United States' monitoring of these transactions has been known since 2002. This information was incorporated into a United Nations Security Council report in 2002, which is available on the UN Website.

In other words the NY Times "scoop" isnt news at all. This information has been out there for years.
Exactly. In November 2001 Bush made a big deal about going after financial records of terrorists already.

In Bush's own words...
Today, we are taking another step in our fight against evil. We are setting down two major elements of the terrorists international financial network, both at home and abroad. Ours is not a war just of soldiers and aircraft. It's a war fought with diplomacy, by the investigations of law enforcement, by gathering intelligence and by cutting off the terrorists' money.
If they are going to try and prosecutre the NY Times, I think we will need to prosecute Bush himself. No. All I can say is that what moron wouldn't have made the assumption that the U.S. government wasn't looking at bank records?

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"