Originally posted by dontomasso:
...and of course all the right wingholes like Peter King ...
True to form, as always.

By disclosing this government operation, the NY Times has in effect shut it down. They've aided the enemy. It can't be put much simpler than that.

While the financial investigations themselves were public...what was not well known was the scope of cooperation and involvement from banks and HUBs worlwide. That is what the NEWS was; otherwise, the Times would not have bothered to publish. Some of these organizations have now pulled out and will no longer work with the U.S. due to the disclosure of the NY Times story.

I'm not sure of how successful Rep. King's call for a criminal investigation will be...the NY Times didn't really do anything 'illegal'. However, the disgrace and whatever trouble they run into is due to the fact that despite White House requests (which had previously been honored by the L.A. Times & Washington Post)...they published the information anyway.

It was shameful behavior and it was purely politically motivated.

And it will blow up in their faces.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.