Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Alessandrio:
[b] One thing I do find extremely ass backwards is how the Rebulicans want a less involved Central Government, yet they want to tell us who we can marry, who we can have sex with, what we can do to our own bodies, who is allowed to become an American, and what we can say, listen too, and read.
Actually, feel free to go fuck your male buddy in the bum. We don't care. At least have the common courtesy to wear protection. We just don't think you should be legally recognized in the sacred institution of marriage, that's all.

Second of all, I'm not really understanding your point regarding "who is allowed to become an American." I think you're implying the recent controversy with illegal immigrants. Boohoo. Come into the country legally, get a visa, apply for citizenship.

Finally, as far as what you can say, listen to, or read, try China. The U.S. still allows more personal liberties with regards to free speech - you can criticize the President, you can protest against the war, you can read anti-American books. Try that in Shui-Ban's country. See what you get.

Double-J [/b][/quote]Is marriage really such a sacred institution when divorce is still allowed?

Besides man, you ever been to Vegas or Atlantic City? You telling me a fucking drive-thru chapel or an Elvis church is sacred?

Marriage is just an institution that has been there for most of human societal history, along with law/order, "government", and so on. Thing is, is it sacred to you Double J because of religious reasons, or because its traditional? What about polygamy, or polyandry(several men tied to a woman)? Are you gonna fight the Mormons in Utah(though most don't actually follow polygamy anymore, of course there are still many hold-outs)

As for China....well ya, of course America is better than China. Do we have a new Master of the Obvious?

Thing is, America is a great place...but it can be greater. A nice person can be nicer. I've lost weight, but I could lose more.

Besides DJ, you remind me of a friend of mine. I once attacked I think Michael Mann's ALI as a nicely-shot, if so-so, picture. What did my friend say?

"So? Its still great compared to PEARL HARBOR"

PEARL HARBOR was a horrible movie, but ALI is still a decent/nothing spectacular film on its own. Comparisons are nice, but they can't be the only defense.

In a way DJ, when America had serious segregation against blacks, what was the defense of many when this was brought up in the 1930s and 1940s? "We're better than the Nazis or Mussolini, or those Reds"

Think about it DJ, but don't respond with a lame-ass wise-ass remark, or posting some stupid pic.