Originally posted by dontomasso:
1) We are losing Afghanistan back to the Taliban.

And who's fault is that? When the President of Afghanastan, a man who was elected and is supposed to rid his country and his government of remanents of the Taliban with the help of the coalition forces, comes out and says this : Its not acceptable that hundreds of Afghans have been killed in the recent offensive against the Taliban in four southern provinces. Even if they are Taliban, they are the sons of this land." how is it our fault? Obviously by making a statement such as that, when he is supposed to be a part of the war on terror, he is empowering those who are still left to stand up and fight. His statement that they are "sons of this land" gives them the encouragement to attempt to recapture and control the country. How is this President Bush's fault?

Originally posted by dontomasso:
2) We have lost Somalia.
And exactly why did we lose Somalia? Is your memory that short? Or have you conveninetly forgotten that it was President Clinton who failed miserably with his foreign policy in Somalia? It was he who did nothng when our Marines were dragged through the streets after being tortured and maimed! It was Bill Clinton and his administartion who abondoned those people of Somalia.

Originally posted by dontomasso:

3) We are Losing in Iraq.
Says who? You? The Liberal media? While I fully recognize
that our men and woman are getting killed over there, and I don't like it one bit more than you do, I wouldn't say that we are losing Iraq. All I hear from the left is how we are losing the war, how we haven't accomplised anything over there and how the administration has no plan. But three years after those same people who voted to go into Iraq and now get on their political soapboxes to talk out against the war, I have YET to hear an idea, a plan or a suggestion from them. All they seem to do is remind our men and woman who are fighting there everyday that they cannot win this war. And you've managed to get in line right behind them.

Originally posted by dontomasso:
4) We cannot stand up to North Korea or Iran.
We can't? We haven't? Gee, that's news to me. If the leaders of those nations thought in the same manner as you do, then tell me why they haven't made a move against us already? I'll tell you this though ; if we were to cut and run from Iraq in the manner that the liberals want us to, then Iran would be inside of Iraq within a day of our leaving. Iran is flexing it's muscles and making these threats against the US in hopes that people such as yourself support and elect those representatives in this country who after 3 days in office would cut and run. It's what Iran is hoping that our country does. Then they'd
make their move. You can bet on it.

Originally posted by dontomasso:

5) We have no Credibility among aour allies.
Who, France, Germany, Russia? Gee, that makes me want to go out and beg them for their forgiveness. :rolleyes: But that's ok Don T. You don't have to mention the other twenty something nations out there who have given us their full support through all of this. I guess from your side of the fence, those countries don't count.

Originally posted by dontomasso:

6) We "captured" a group of clowns in Miami who were ENTRAPPED by some moron from Homeland Security posing as a member of Al Quaeda. I predict acquittals. These idiots couldnt find the local sears let alone the sears tower.
So because they are homegrown, and are not part of Al Qaeda, then their being caught doesn't count on the scoreboard for us? According to you it doesn't matter that they were looking to purchase the items they needed to carry out their mission. According to you it doesn't matter that they thought that they had hooked up with an Al Queda operative that would help them get this job done. :rolleyes: That's ridiculous Don T and you know it. ENTRAPPED! It's amazing how without knowing the facts, the liberal left such as yourself immedeatly assumes that these people have been or are being set up! Is that reaction from the lawyer side of your brain or the liberal side? You immedeatly yell ENTRAPMENT! No facts, no details, but you draw your conclusion. The when someone here posts a news story about a terrorist being captured, and we yell "Lock him up!" You and your liberal buddies cry that we are rushing to judgement without the facts! Well isn't that what you've done here? No difference at all. But then again, when it suits your cause, it's ok, but when it doesn't is entrapment and unconstitutional.

Originally posted by reynols:
i mean the guy bombed afghanistan for a MONTH killing people that have no reason to be killed [/URL]
Hey, you ever hear of the Taliban, their provision of Al Qaeda training camps and September 11th 2001? Do you live on this planet?

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.