Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Bush isn't Hitler. I don't respect the President, but he aint the Fuhrer.
but he is killing off a religious group which he hates for no reason just as hitler did. hitler was a horrible man dont get me wrong but george is giving you bullshit for y all these people have to be massacred. i mean the guy bombed afghanistan for a MONTH killing people that have no reason to be killed espcially in the fashion he's doing it. and now in another country killing those people. how is this even justifiable. i mean imagine non stop for 30 days everything around you and your home including your family being destroyed and mutilated. 9/11 is happening everday over in Iraq. say what u want but to me this man is man may not be hitler but he itching closer. y do they always assassinate they the ones fighting for better things for this country n let this moron hang around 8 years.



Time You Enjoy Wasting, was not wasted - John Lennon

A man who nevers spends time with his family can never be a real man - Don Vito Corleone