They took Joshua out of traction this morning. So naturally everyone (except me) all had to go to the hospital for a chance to hold him. He needs to have an MRI to make sure everything is ok. He's on the list for Tuesday release, but Laura's going to push them to do it sooner. If the MRI is fine he gets to come home! He may still have the feeding tube though. They'll teach Laura what to do. The reason for that is since he hasn't been feeding by mouth he needs to build up his sucking. He gets tired before he's full. Since he has been lying immobile so long he doesn't have much strength in his legs or neck so he's like a newborn. He'll build those muscles as soon as he comes home! Can't wait!

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.