Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
I always find it interesting how people rush to reference 9/11 when it's convenient for them. If only parents keeping in touch with their children were the only factor here. From the article posted above by Don Cardi:

"...Mayor Michael Bloomberg and schools Chancellor Joel Klein have staunchly refused to drop the ban. They insist cell phones are a distraction and are used to cheat, take inappropriate photos in bathrooms, and organize gang rendezvous. They are also a top stolen item..."

With all the functions available on cellphones these days...I think the ban is justified and I hope Bloomberg and Klein do not buckle on this.

Hmmmm. Let me know if you feel the same way when your child starts going to middle school in a few more years and becomes a little less dependant on mom.

And let me add that I don't believe that the majorty of parents are using 9/11 as a convenient excuse. Don't you agree that the way you know look at certain situtations in your life has changed since 9/11?

Don't you agree that there are also situations, that have absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, where a student needs to carry call phone with them because of the traveling that they may have to do to get to their high school? If your child decided to go to a school in Manhatten, and had to travel from another borough or state, by public transportation, wouldn't you feel more comfortable knowing that he or she had a cell phone on them in case something went wrong and they needed to contact you, or you contact them?

Let's be real here. School is not like when you or I went years ago. Today there is a wider variety for students to choose from and there is more traveling longer distances involved than there was years ago. Add in the fact that many schools are overcrowded these days, and it's almost impossible for many of these schools to handle the students on a daily basis, never mind in the event of a real and serious emergency that would affect everyone.

It's not rocket science. All that needs to be done is to make a blanket rule that if you are caught using your phone of even having it out, while in the school, you will be expelled. It's been working just fine in many private schools and would work just as well in the public schools also.

Klein and Bloomberg are making such a huge issue out of something that can be easily and amicably resolved.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.