Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Today, you catch a kid doing something wrong and tell them that you are going to tell thier parents, they laugh at you and say "go ahead" because they know that if you do attempt to tell their parents, the parents will fight with you and defend them right off the bat.

And same with the "not my child" thing... parents these days seem to think their kids are angels! When I was in school, forget about me getting in trouble of my own; that hardly ever happened... but if my parents ever found out about crap that other kids did, I'd still get yelled at for it!! Like "So-and-so's kid got suspended for ______! Do you do things like that too? You better not, you don't wanna know what's coming your way if you ever do!! They went too easy on him, if you ask me!" And I'd get the full list of threats of punishment, and in a very "yelling" tone, not simply informative. I always felt like I was in trouble for it too, just by association, just because I was the same age as the other kid and had the potential to misbehave.