What a terrible rule... in a society where you need metal detectors at a school, then by default I think you need cell phones too. Schools are just as dangerous as anywhere else you could send your kid these days-- there are way too many horror stories. Besides, like DC said, in the past 5 years where we as a nation are on alert every day, it's so important to be available to be reached by your family.

Besides, I don't feel safe driving without one, in case something happens and you need a tow truck or you get a flat tire and you don't know how to change it, etc. It doesn't have to be life-threatening, just little common things that go wrong. And in a high school, where usually half the students drive to school, that's terrible to not have a phone on you during that commute.

If they want to integrate cell phone issues into school policy, just to be current and "with it," I have a better way to do so than a ban. You know how freshmen have to take a mandatory typing class? Well that's not necessary anymore because with the amount of time they spend instant messaging, they type faster than any class could teach them.

Instead of that, they should have a cell phone etiquette class!! Whaddya say? Teach these idiots how to take a phone call outside when you're at a restaurant, or not answer at all... teach them how to speak in a quiet, indoor voice, because the person on the other end can hear you just fine, and no one around you cares what you're talking about... teach them to hang up before getting in an elevator... wouldn't that all be fantastic?! Probably too much to expect out of some people, though.