Originally posted by dontomasso:
Now, DC, calm down!

I know it is difficult for people of your stripe to understand, but we have this thing called a constitution, and we have laws and procedures that need to be followed because we don't want to be like the Taliban or the North Koreans. In our system everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and everyone is entitled to a trial. I understand that we have had a president in office for the past six years who shares your lack of understanding of the rule of law, so perhaps it has slipped your mind.

Unlike you, that man is also a liar and a war criminal...but I digress.
He pleaded guilty, went through a sentencing trial, and now wants to change his pleas. He received every right under our constitution. Now he is trying to make a mockery of our system.

Perhaps if more people of my stripe were in charge, or were lawyers, then people like this scumbag would never walk the face of the earth or harm another human being ever again.

But unfortunately we have too many people of your stripe in our legal system, and our security and well being is continually being compromised because of this "we need to treat them fairly" attitude. These people declared war on us, and are threatening the future for our children. And as far as I'm concerned, if you attack or attempt to attack my family and take away their lives, then all bets are off.

But then again the people of your stripe don't have the understanding that this is it, that it's them or us.

Tell me something, who do the people who were crushed, blown up and burnt see about having their civil rights protected? What court do they appeal to so that they can have the chance of living a life again? Did Bin Laden and his people consider the civil rights of those that they murdered? Hell no. But what Bin Laden and his followers did consider is that there are people like you with that bullshit "let's give them a fair trial" attitude out there and they know just how to work the system that you seem so willingly to want to allow them to be part of. :rolleyes:

And what the hell does the President have to do with this conversation about this issue?

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.