Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
This is the best sentence there is. I don't know how old this man is, but the foresight and the actual 'act' of being in a superstrict prison for the rest of my life (and that can be many decades) is more cruel than death. I think many underestimate the power of not having personal freedom, especially of being locked away in a tiny cell.

Sorry if this sounded too realistic instead of all the inhumane torturing others wanted.
Your argument would hold water if this guy was a US citizen. But he came from a 3rd world country and was most likely impoverished from birth. I don't know how 3 meals per day and living off of tax payer dollars is so cruel and unusual. He'll be living better than a large number of our own citizens displaced after Katrina. Boo-hoo if he is by himself for 23 hrs per day - he'll probably just sleep a lot. Many others in the world would be appreciate such a life.

And I'm sure he'll get extra protection at the outset because of his high profile. This for a man who was part of a group that had no qualms about the destruction of over 3,000 lives - not to mention the thousands more families and friends of these victims whose lives were forever changed.