"If it were me? I Personally would want to die. What people should be most upset about is that it will cost over $40k per year to keep this guy in prison... he looks like he is what?"

Yet isn't the death penalty, in terms of lethal injection, pretty expensive itself?

Besides, why should this guy get off quite easy? Really, why some of you so-called conservatives are for letting someone get away the easy way baffles me. You all are for brutal rightful and vengeful justice, yet instead you're in favor of making him a possible martyr to his cause.

We denied this fuck a chance of being a martyr, and now he'll spend the rest of his life in some shithole, where as he grows old, his cause will die away, with new generations realizing that the ideological cause itself is stupid, or that his "comrades" will be destroyed. Either way, he'll be forgotten by time itself.

Besides, this guy will have a worse time in prison than your casual pedophile for sure.