If it were me? I Personally would want to die. What people should be most upset about is that it will cost over $40k per year to keep this guy in prison... he looks like he is what? 30? ironically, NYC Firemen that dies on Sept 11 2001 only made about $30k/year, some with a wife and 5 children. But remember what happend with serial killer dahmer? he will be in solidary confidement for a year or a few months, but slowly they will filter him out into the rest of the prison population, then he will be killed... no doubt in my mind, the only way that this WONT happen is if he is in solidary confidment for the rest of his life... and while I don't wish to pay for it, it will be hell for him... but still not good enough...

"There are 2 types of people in the world, Italian, and those who wish they were Italian."

# # # JRCX