Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[quote]Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[b] Is it really so difficult to just drink water, fruit juice, milk, ... and limit soda, to not eat junk food every week but limit it very badly, to not eat candy bars all the time but eat more lunch/dinner/breakfast; to eat an Apple or another peace of fruit sometimes, to not take the car but the bycicle sometimes, to not sit at the PC/TV all the time, but doing something outside where you have to move instead; to ...
If someone would do all that, unless they have the 'talent' to become fat, that person would not end up getting really fat I think.
But isn't that against the very essence of a free society? I mean, and I'm playing the Devil's advocate here, who has the right to regulate what we do with our time and money?

I'm not disagreeing with you, I'd just like to know why it would be okay to restrict these particular things, and not others. [/b][/quote]No restriction, as in law of rules, but simply self-discipline. And also sensibilisation (actual word?) of the problem trough an intense government campaign, but I think that is maybe more difficult in the USA. [/b][/quote]Mmm, I think you're on the right track. I think what you're saying is essentially what DV and I are saying - people need to use a.) common sense and b.) self-control, which seems to be pretty hard for people nowadays. I know when I was in high school (even middle school), we had the mandatory "health" classes that taught you about a range of subjects, from sex ed to, yes, healthy eating.