Treason is plotting actively against the government of your nation-state. If this involves any speech you use while carrying out your plot or plotting the word "the" can be considered "treason."

This question assumes the worst of those who differ from the neo-Conservative, far right, Bushie worshipping, "yes sir, yes sir, three bags full sir," "kell 'em all an led gaaad sort 'em out," "dey're taaaken r jaaabs" set and assumes that people in the centre or the centre-left no matter where they're from do not have legitimate arguments. The question therefore is logically weak because it is by its very nature argumentative and not conducive to rational, coherent, lucid, productive political debate. Regardless of the poser of the question, or his/her motives the question is accusatorial and is shaky to begin with because of this. The questioner may well say "until you prove your patriotism keep your frikkkin mouth shut." Now, obviously no one in their right mind would say such a thing be they American, Canadian, Afghani, Iraqi, Palestinian, Israeli or whatever...

However, bushie the retarded elf has created an aura of fear, an Orwellian, 1984-like atmosphere as far as his influence carries and the byproduct is questions like this.

Free speech, is free speech. If you have to ask what or what isn't free speech, you don't know what free speech or what it means to be truly free really is. Free speech is protected in Canada by The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and in The States by The Bill of Rights. Thank Allah, God, Yahweh, Jehovah, Jesus whatever Almighty for these documents.

People are truly free when they accept, understand, appreciate and act on their freedom. If they don't, they are just wrapped in a cloud of amusement, a pawn for the government or any other large organization to do any thing they please. Be free, think free, live free, speak free and you'll BE free.