Capo, I am usually a huge fan of yours. I think that you are a bright, witty and funny young man. You are also obviously well read and write fairly well, too.

I do admire the arrogance of youth. After all, maybe we "oldies" are a bit too worn down by life to be quite so full of piss and vinegar. However, you also should cut us a little bit of slack. We have lived longer, we've hopefully learned some things along the way, and there is a chance that we may be able to pass along some of it, if only anyone would listen.

I can understand that you may find us preachy, perhaps even hypocritical. I'm sure that I've done my share of eye-rolling when someone older started a sentence with, "When I was your age...". Since you are intelligent and well-read, however, I was hoping that you would be a bit more open-minded than most.

Oh, by the way, Capo, don't tell me you don't judge people by their age when you've posted things like this:

Surely the Wise among us realise this. Or have they forgotten in their old age what it was like to be young? [QUOTE]
And then in another post:

Fine, but you continue to look outdated and outfashioned and, even with common sense, generally old. With wisdom, it seems, many people sacrifice basic ability to communicate with somebody who is of an entirely different generation. Grow up, oldies.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club