Like I said...

The oldies are really showing their age lately. And what would they say in defense to that? That I of course was showing mine.
I'd invite you into the sandbox, Cardi, but you alas do not qualify: you need an imagination, first off. And then the ability to think beyond the cage society has placed you in, and then you must embrace the difficulties of communication between different ages, cultures, languages even, and people in general. So that, even when a Belgian speaking English (how many langauges can you speak?) openly admits he is in need of a better word, you do not feel the need to teach him a lesson of definitions. With, as ever, text from an external site. Hello, Mister Wikipedia. Or Whateverelse might be used to find somebody else's definition of something. In the sandbox, we encourage free thinking; nothing is definite when it is made of sand. It's actually a whole lot of fun.

So, in answer to your (rhetorical) question, of course you hear noises from the children's table. Who on Earth would want to be part of your adult society?

As I said in another thread lately, what kind of criticism is "tut tut tut"? How incredibly effective do you actually consider your pointing finger? com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?