Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:

Pat's age isn't an excuse; I would hope it isn't. Nor should he be made to feel like he should be more responsible.
Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:

Pat's young; all he asked was for a fact regarding the legality of the situation. He did not ask for a judgment of the moral decency of the situation. He even said that he was simply curious.
You say this, but earlier, you qualified your statement by indicating that Pat's age plays some sort of role in how we should interpret this thread, otherwise, you wouldn't have said it.

Who are we to judge anything?
So you're saying that, if he carried out what he suggests in the first post, Patrick's actions would not be reprehensible or wrong, despite the fact that he is not only breaking the law, but taking advantage of a mentally handicapped individual?