Well.. being in the Navy gives me a little advantage I guess.. but here goes...

Places I have been: Thailand (Pattya Beach and Bangkok), Singapore, Dubai U.A.E., Bahrain, Israel (Haifa, Jerusalem, Bethlehem), Turkey (Antalya), Greece (Corfu, Rhodes), Italy (Trieste, Venice, Naples, Rome), Sicily (Sigonella), France (Cannes--the older generation aka WW2 love americans, the younger ones do not), Spain (Cartagena, Palma), Bermuda, Bahamas, St. Maarten, Martinique, Columbia (Caratagena), Panama (Panama City), Barbados, Curacao, Canada (Halifax, Victoria)....

Places I want to visit.. Australia, and really want to go back to Italy (Rome again, Sicily again).. Israel again... and never turn down a chance to visit Canada (I love my brothers to the north).... I NEVER, EVER want to go to France again...

Finance is a gun, Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.