Although I was aware of the somewhat negative opinion expressed in previous posts towards film schools, I decided to go ahead and apply to a number of colleges that had them anyway. I do really just hope that I can be taught the mechanics and technical aspects of making a film such as lighting, cinematography, camera operation, etc, and a bunch of new creative bullshit is stuffed down my throat.

My dream was to go to USC's film school, but unfortunately I didn't get in. I did get into the Pittsburgh, Hofstra, and Fordham film schools, and I'm 90% sure I'm headed to Pitt at this point, but I'm still hoping to get out to USC or UCLA after my first year.

Ultimately, I am very afraid that a college film school will ruin my passion for film and hinder my creative processes, but I feel like it is somewhat of a neccesity. Although I am aware that a film degree doesn't mean much in the film industry when it comes to writing and directing, I feel like it can't hurt.

I just hope I don't feel like pulling a P.T Anderson and withdrawing my tuition from my film school after two days.

Good luck to you wherever you go.

I dream in widescreen.