Originally posted by Turnbull:
For me, it's impossible to imagine GF without Brando. As you probably know, Puzo said that he approached Brando about doing the film after he'd heard that Danny Thomas (!!!) planned to buy Paramount in order to play Don Corleone. eek
Mario Puzo (writing)
"So I was not interested at all in what Hollywood did to the book as a movie just so long as I didn't help them do it. But one day I picked up the paper and it said that Danny Thomas wanted to play the role of the Godfather. That threw me into a panic. I had always thought that Marlon Brando would be great. So through a mutual friend, Jeff Brown, I contacted Brando, wrote him a letter, and he was nice enough to call me. We had a talk on the phone. He had not read the book but he told me that the studio would never hire him unless a strong director insisted on it. He was nice over the phone but didn't sound too interested. And that was that. "


I love my Chrysler and tuna fish sandwiches.