I have around a 3.6 unweighted or a 3.9 weighted for Honors/AP courses, but not counting Freshman year (I had some lower grades), I have a 3.85 uw and a 4.3 weighted (I think UCLA and USC only count those years, but NYU counts everything). I just took the SATs and have no scores yet (though I'm pretty sure I conquered in the reading and writing, but only so-so in math). I take generally the hardest courses, too. Because the two California schools don't count Freshman grades, I'm pretty sure I'm academically fine there, while at NYU I'm closer to average. I'm not so sure about my film portfolio, though, but hopefully somebody will like it.

I do hear though that being accepted into NYU Tisch or USC Cinema is harder than being accepted into Harvard or MIT! And UCLA and AFI are even harder, as they accept something like under 25 people per program.

"I could dance with you until the cows come home...on second thought I'd rather dance with the cows when you come home."

Groucho Marx - Duck Soup


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