It was the summer of '01 and I was 24. I was in Syria, applying for a visa from the US embassy. I met this guy, four years older than me and felt I want to rip his shirt off the moment I laid my eyes on him... I'd never felt like that before, and have doubts that I ever will. We went out every day while he was still there. I had to stay a few days longer. I didn't like my hotel/room and he told me that he'll talk to the hotel manager so that I can move into his hotel and have his room after he is gone. He helped me with my luggage and we had some tea together. I remember I had my hands on the table and he laid his on mine. We looked into each other's eyes for a moment, then he pulled my hands up and toward himself and we kissed. I didn't see him after that kiss goodbye. He already had his student visa and was going to study in Indianapolis, Indiana. I was going to work in Alabama. It just couldn't have worked out. It still makes me sad to remember all of these. But that few days in Damascus was probably the best days in my love life.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones