Originally posted by Double-J:
My condolences. Did he give an explanation at least?

I wouldn't worry. You're still young, and quite attractive. It's his loss.
Yeah. I didn't call him before I started drinking to tell him I was going to. We had a sortof agreement that we would. But 2 or 3 nights ago, he had 30 shots of vodka and didn't call me until he was driving home.

I don't think I've cried this much, ever. Last night I cried on my friend Sean's shoulder all night. Sean is from where Jaron is from, and he said he's going to try to talk to Jaron. I mean, I've been dumped plenty of times before.. but this is just horrible. I feel so empty. I was honestly in love with him. I still am. I dont know what to do with myself.. I've just been sleeping and crying. And trying to get over my hangover.

I'm never drinking again.

Sorry for ranting

Thank you DJ, Vercetti, and Ferro btw.

And Ferro, you mentioned a "Path of Destruction" earlier.. I just missed it. Of course. But yeah waking up the next morning, looking around my room... it was completely trashed. And I don't remember doing annny of it. There was a big pizza box at the foot of my bed (I don't remember ordering pizza. Apparently I paid for it too) and it was literally called a "Big Ass with Cheese" pizza. I guess I ate a lot of cupcakes. I remember starting a cupcake (about the same time as when I started drinking) but I thought I only ate like half of it. But I guess I had like 3 or 4. There were markers everywhere. My chair was on the other side of the room, overturned.

It was epic.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club