Originally posted by DonFerro55:
Sounds like you had fun! And that's all that matters. Good luck finding a new job! :p

Have another drink on me.

The Doc

P.S. Best way to rid yourself of a hangover:

1. Two Asprins
2. 20 oz. of Gatoraide

Do both or neither. Asprins will rid the headache while the Gatoraide will rehydrate you and once again fill your body with much needed electrolites, which will rid you of the stomach ache. It only gets better at this point, the worst is over. Take your mind off it by remembering how fucking awesome you must have been last night!
Yeah.. I"l try to remembenr that for tomrorow mornig I'm currenly trying Cherry "Coke & rum. PUrley for scienftiffic purposes, I asusure you.

That was em and my roomiate immitating Pirates of the c ARibbean. I lovveee Jack sParrow.

My boyfriend is mad athme.

President of the long_lost_corleone Fan Club