although I have seen several times people sniffing coke and smoking crack in front of me, I've never tried these ones myself. I've used speed many many times, which makes the exact same effect than cocaine, and I've tried glue, benflogin, chloroform and others inhalers but don't plan to use'em again.

now, as for alcohol (especially beer) and marijuana, I just don't see my life without them. I don't remember the last day I did not smoke a joint, and just last night I was drunk!
now, before the preaching, dissing and judging, let me defend myself saying that I've never repeated an year in school, and that it hasn't been affecting me much. for instance, I did make a test (I do law school) this morning (a morning after being drunk) and just passed it.

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk