I recently quit smoking. I was a huge fan of Lucky Strike until my blood pressure went up, now I'm off those.

I do drink. A lot. My drink of choice being Rum or Bourbon. I'll be a drinker my whole life.

As for pot, nope. Never tried it. I'm a writer and musician and a strict advocate of not using drugs to write or influence songs. I know what you are all gonna say, how can he be a fan of Hunter Thompson and Bob Dylan and the Beatles and not like pot for writing or music? Well, I just don't think it's genuine. When I write music or stories, I want them to be from my brain and result from my true emotions, not some drug-induced haze. I never write drunk either, tried it once, it's all gibberish. Though I do have to say I've recorded some great stuff with my buddies drunk.

I did have a period where I was addicted to Darvocet, a painkiller like Vikatin. I had a bunch of bottles of it left over from a throat condition and could not stop taking em for a few months, they were so great, until I could not write anymore that is.

The Doc

And you liar, teller of tall tales: you trample all the Lord's commandments underfoot, you murder, steal, commit adultery, and afterward break into tears, beat your breast, take down your guitar and turn sin into a song. Shrewd devil, you know very well that God pardons singers no matter what they do, because he can simply die for a song.