I used to do marijuanna. I still do (from time to time every blue moon) but I used to as well. I do enjoy a few beers every now and then and I don't really see anything wrong with that or with smoking weed, provided it does not affect the lives of those around you in a negative manner. I smoke cigarettes and I hope to one day quit, but as any smoker or ex smoker knows, that is much easier said than accomplished. I used to smoke weed more in high school and drink a lot more hard liquor and such. I was immature and stupid as we pretty much all are during high school. But hey, I made it out ok and I learned from it. I've never done any hard drugs (crack/cocaine, heroin, meth, E etc.) but people who do such drugs are gonna do them whether they are illegal and tightly restricted or completely legal and in the open. Vices like (soft) drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling and prostitution should be legalized, regulated by the government in a responsible manner and taxed. That's what I think anyway...