DISSOLVE TO: 1941 the GangsterBB family is sitting at the table in the Hotel Lounge.

[DON CARDI sits down and begins to smoke.]: Ah, say -- what do you think of the nerve those Japs -- those slanty eyed bastards, huh. Dropping bombs in our back yard -- and on SC's birthday ya know.

DON SMITTY : Now they didn't know it was SC's birthday.

DON CARDI : They didn't know it was SC's birthday. :rolleyes:

PLAW : We should have expected it after the Oil embargo.

DON CARDI : What do you mean expect it -- expect it or not they have no right dropping bombs. What are you a Jap lover or something -- are you on their side?

TIS : I understand thirty thousand men enlisted this morning.

DON CARDI : A bunch of saps.

DMC : Why are they saps?

SICILIAN BABE : Cardi come on we don't have to talk about the war.

DON CARDI : Hey beat it -- you go talk to Mr. Babe, alright. They're saps because they risk their lives for strangers.

DMC : That's SC talkin.

DON CARDI :You're god damn right that's SC talking.

DMC : They risk, they risk their lives for their country.

DON CARDI : Your country's not your blood -- you remember that.

DMC : I don't feel that way.

DON CARDI :Well if you don't fell that way why don't you just quit collage and go to -- go to join the Army.

DMC : I did -- I enlisted in the Marines.
[Everyone is silent.]

DON CARDI : Nice -- real nice -- break SC's heart on his birthday.

DON SMITTY : That's swell -- congratulations.

DON CARDI : Go on encourage him.

MIGNON : SC's here come on.

[Every but DMC walks out.]

DON CARDI : Come on -- come on -- stupid.

[DMC sits alone at the table.]

EVERYONE TO SC : Surprise!!!! -- For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow -- that nobody can deny -- that nobody can deny!!!!!


Happy Birthday to my most valued and trusted friend. I hope that your day is filled with happiness!

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.