Good points TB and I haven't seen GF III for a few months, and only one other time before that, I need to see it again.

I agree from a true functionality stand-point, there isn't a 100% overlap with these two systems. But at the same time I am making the arguement that the system used to keep the Feds (the enemy) away from the head of the crime family in a judicious way, is applied to the structure of the enemies of the Corleone family in a very similar way by keeping the enemies of the Corleones hidden. This is done, as I am arguing, because in the world of American justice, if a Don is supected of being the head of a family and comitting a Felony that is far different from having evidence that a judge and jury would use to put the Don away. So in the American legal system proof is required to issue justice on someone; a Don by using the Buffer system is manipulating the system to keep himself hidden, in terms of anything incriminating.

In the world of the Cosa Nostra, if one power structure rivals another one, it is almost always done (at least in the GF trilogy) in a hidden way because to know that, for instance, Barzini was the one at the head of the Barzini, Tattaglia, Solozzo power structure that would give the advantage to the Corleone and allow them to perhaps out strategize their enemies.

I am arguing that the Buffer system, which originally was applied to keep the Don of a family safe from procecution, is applied by MP to shield the identity of Barzini in The Godfather.

Also the power structure of the Corleone Family is rivaled by the Barzini, Tattaglia, Solozzo power structure. You can argue that Barzini is the Don, Tattaglia, acting as the Capo and the underboss (the underboss by being the ultimate buffer against Barzini being discoverd), Solozzo as the Button man and finally McCluskey as an Associate. This works well and when applied within the framework of the Buffer sytem, this effectivly sheild's the true Don's identity and keeping him safe from Procecution (the Corleone's brand of procesuction).