I am gonna tell here, In tha net something that happene aroun in my corner of tha freakin planet; first I gave a lotta of tought about if I should really speak up my life but the I saud to myself "Myself, none of those guys knows me... So, let's speak up" Cuz really, I read that keeping everythin packed inside just aint was good for health or something like that, I dont believe in doctors neither but, what do I know?

I went to California to visit my kid, and to tell my first wife "Sweetie, I am getting married", sweet vengeance.
While in there my little boy asked if I could bought him a cd of a guy name Moby or something like that; so, I told him that the name aint seemed no good, cuz you know Sinatra is somethin Ok, he came out on a picture next to a lotta of tha bosses, but he wasnt called "push button" or "Wiseguy" or nothing like that... But a guy named Moby is just too far enough. So I grounded him. What ya think about that? The respect has been completly lost! A guy named Moby! That's toooo much!

The other day my fiance (how is that freaking word written???) told me she wanted to go hang aroun Broadway and the Times Square, and as we havent marry yet I said "Yeah sure". Then she decided to go to something called "Ha", and it was a comedy club. So all this guys went in front of everybody and start telling stupid stuff and making people laugh, and that is fine with me cuz I am not interested in how people makes their living. Now, when this guy started speaking about me I started going on my nerves! He kept repiting that I look like someguy from The Sopranos and that I looked like his uncle how knows what and all this poisonful comments about the italianamerican community, he asked me questions and I aint anserwed cause I aint wanted to break his mouth with my italian american fists... SO I sat there and kept my mouth shout until he started making comments about my fiance, then we were forced to leave, I throwed some money at tha guy and I walked away saying "Buy yourself some food, Bump". Then my fiance went angry at me. Why????

Frankie P, I made it to Gangster BB. Net! What a hell, well communicate throw the PM... Speak soon, Schifosa