Hello, and before you start reading this, (I'll really admire whoever finishes the reading) remember that this is a true story of a 16 year old who is very much in love, and I know everybody says that, but I doubt anyone loves as much as I do right now.

Well, it all started at school a year ago. There was this girl who always used to talk to me, to invite me over to her place (I always declined and I hardly ever spoke to her) and she finally gave up on me and talked less to me, but it was obvious that she was looking for a good chat with me. So one Saturday, by December, there was a charity event at my school for the kids of a local shelter, and I was bored as hell and so was she, so we shared our boredom and we hanged out together all day at school. I took her to the principal's office and we sat in his couch and we talked and talked, and I started to fall in love with her. Then school ended, and we had a 5 hour conversaton on MSN one day, and then we talked everyday. She went to the States to visit her friends for a month, and we still talked every day, and then we got really personal. She started telling me that I was perfect the way I was, and that she foresaw that this would become a great friendship, and then we discovered that we had millions of things in common, and that we were almost the same person (we said the same thing at the same time, and that happened millions of times, we thought alike, we had the same ideas about things, etc) and well, we kept on talking and as we talked, I fell more in love with her.

Then, she came to Lima, after a month and I invited her over to my house along with a friend of mine. We had a great time, but the day after that, I went on a 10 day trip to the U.S (Los Angeles, Anaheim and San Francisco). I called her before my plane parted and we talked for 40 minutes, and we simply didn't want the conversation to end.
So she wrote e-mails to me everyday, some of them even reached 2000 words, and she told me in those mails that she missed me, and that she adored me and that I should feel guilty for deserting her. There was an unbelievable amount of love in those mails, and yet she never said that she loved me. The thing was that she told me she cared for me, and she is an unbelievably self-controlled girl (she says she doesn't want nor need a boyfriend, and she always keeps her emotions under control) (she has never had a boyfriend and she is not like all the other girls. She doesn't drink and nor does she smoke or anything, she is very calm) and well, then I came back and we talked and talked for the next month. Then, she asked me if I was in love with her. I said yes, and then she told me not to make any illusions and that I should forget about her. She apologized for creating an illusion for me with those mails, but what was strangest was that a month after saying that, she started sending those mails again, and text-messaging me, and saying always sweet things. She then told me that she was confused, and that she used to love me but that she doesn't feel that way anymore, and that she doubts she will.

Anyway, we were at this party yesterday, and at 2AM, when my cab came, she walked me out to the gate along with another friend of mine. We had a very long goodbye kiss, and then we just stared at each other as I left. We didn't take the eyes off each other until I got into the cab, and the friend who was there told me she waited until the cab disappeared, and then she waited another while, stared blankly at the sky and then went back to the house. It was unbelievable, and now, I'm torn. My head tells me to forget her yet my heart tells me to keep trying. I really, and completely love her more than anything in the world (even more than I love myself) and I feel unbelievably lost, and torn up.

Thanks for reading, even if you got to the second paragraph.


America is a continent, NOT a country.