Hello everyone!
I've been thinking that the way Vito and Michael acted (beside their own personality) was influenced in certain way by their couple:

Mamma Corleone was devoted to her family. She cared about their sons, their grandsons and the family union. Was an important part of each and every Corleone. Even Mike resists to kill Fredo as long as she's alive. She never got involved into Vito's business (In GF II we saw her asking Vito to help a neighbor, and that's it). I would say that SHE WAS THE FAMILY.

In a opposite way is Kay. She always asked Michael to get out of the business.She aborted their son. She wanted to know what was the whole story about. She really made Michael go out of his mind. mad (I can't imagine Don Vito closing a door on Mamma Corleone's face).

Certanly both women had a strong personality. But they assumed their role in a very different way.

Whatcha think?


"I was making my bones while you were going out with cheerleaders"