One of those storeis that you couldn't make up if you tired.....


By Leela de Krester

March 13, 2006 -- A Texas father has refused to pay for his son's college education - unless the 17-year-old switches allegiances and becomes a Republican.

But Dallas high-school junior Teddy Gambordella Jr. has struck back. He's launched a Web site where fellow Bush bashers can rant - in ads that Teddy hopes will pay for college.

Ted Sr., a 57-year-old martial-arts expert, had told Teddy that unless he signs with the GOP, he will not see one red cent.

"I'm serious - he's got to earn his own way," said Ted Sr. "I've been training him for 17 years to be a Republican - and he went crazy at dinner and said he was a now Democrat."

But Ted Jr. is doing fine - his has already passed the $1,000 mark.

"I want to get everyone in the world who does not like Bush to take out an ad or link to a Web site and share with the world why they also don't like Bush, until we get the one million reasons to not like Bush - and I get my college paid for," he said.

"Difficult....not impossible"