Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:

And, SVSG and Double J, you should be totally ashamed of what you posted. There is nothing funny or even remotely amusing about teen suicide, and your posts completely and totally disgusted me. I know we're not supposed to name-call here, but if I get banned it will be worth it. By posting that, you were both jackasses.

That you for the wonderful compliment! I'm glad you are so cognizant of the rules here, and even state them, before you call me names.

Of course, though, in your eyes, I'm a "jackass," because I make a joke; nay, perhaps I should redeem myself, and make a post about how I hate my mother for pouring my illegal substances (for my age) down the sink and getting rid of my cancer-sticks.

I guess then, in your words, I'd be a "smart...talented young man."
