Originally posted by Patrick:
... she poured out my booze which I was planning on taking over to a friend's house tonight to just chill. Not to get drunk, it was only two six packs of Smirnoff.

The thing that gets me the most is that my dad is a borderline alcoholic and drinks beer everyday...
Oh...only 2 6-packs of vodka. That's different, why didn't you say that in the first place??


Has it ever occurred to you that your mom doesn't want you to end up like your dad?

By the way, my dad was not a borderline alcoholic...he WAS an alcoholic and had been for a very long time before finally dying out last summer. He too drank beer just about every day for the past several years and although you can say he did live to age 73, this disease drastically altered his personality and quality of life, and most likely shortened his life by several years. His doctor basically made that prediction about 8 years ago. I remember the words as if he said them 5 minutes ago: "You'd better stop drinking Ron, otherwise it doesn't look good in terms of the rest of your life."

I forget how old you are, Patrick...but hope for your sake that you mother continues to pour your liquor down the drain until you are mature enough to figure out the damage it can do to you.

Of course by then, it'll be easier to get since you'll be of legal drinking age...

I have a nephew who's 11 years old now. I see posts like yours and pray to God that this adorable little boy doesn't acquire similar behavior when he's entrenched in the teen years. I can tell you one thing, though...if my sister ever catches a 6-pack of anything alcoholic in his room she'll probably personally send him down the drain right after it. Then she'll break his fingers so he'll be unable to VENT to his friends on the internet.

Glad you love your mom, though.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.