Originally posted by JustMe:
...Do you treasure enough the fact that you have mom?
Apparently, he does not.

It is a parent's God-given role to drive her teenager 'insane'. They do it to her, she does it to them. If she doesn't, especially when throwing away his/her beer (not to mention the 'hard shit')...then she's not doing her job. But I'm sure that, deep, WAY deep down, Pay really knows that.

Pat probably doesn't realize that the shot glass was probably purchased by mother as a souvineer, something from the trip to be treasured as a keepsake...and not for the purpose of turning her son into a drunk.

But as I've said many times before...Pat is VERY young and will one day mature enough to regret and cringe at things he says/does today.

At least one can only hope....


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.